Do’s and Don’ts

Happy Wednesday Readers!!! I wanted to express my overwhelming gratitude that you are ready to tackle this journey called life with me. Before we dive in though, I want to lay a few ground rules for my blog site just to ensure that we are all on the same page.

Don’t: Copy the content on my blog for the purposes of financial gain or profiting, plagiarism, malicious behavior or ill-intent.

Do: Copy and give recognition of quotes taken and use for personal purposes such as social media, email, school papers, etc., Rule of thumb: Always reference.

Don’t: Use profanity or explicit language when commenting on blog posts or sending messages. This will result in you being blocked and banned from the site and all other sites of affiliation.

Do: Comment generously on any and all blog posts and participate in engaging conversation with other readers. Respect is mandated and understanding that differing opinions does not warrant unkindness and demeaning behavior/words.

Don’t: Use this blog site in place of professional therapy for any reason. This is a resource not a replacement. There is no professional client/counselor relationship established.

Do: Contact me personally for therapeutic services or for assistance in finding a licensed professional counselor in your area.


4 thoughts on “Do’s and Don’ts

  1. Shonda

    Hello CJ
    I’m looking forward to seeing the post on Wednesday! Perfect timing to get us over the Hump and to weekend ?Congratulations to you!!

  2. Dawn

    Yay CJ! You are the best therapist I’ve ever had! Seriously! You’ve gotten me through the roughest times in my life from losing my grandmother then recently my mom (my Angel). I don’t know how I would’ve transitioned after losing my mom without prayer and talking to you. I am sooo excited that you are stepping out to help others along their journey. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us because i know it will be helpful to many. You are such a blessing to me and i wish you nothing but success in everything. This is totally awesomeness!! Waiting for you to write a book! Ijs.


    1. cjmadry Post author

      Podcast next followed by book. No worries. Thank you for your continued support and I’m so grateful for you. 🙂

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