Author: cjmadry

DESPITE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES: A Guide to Achieving your Goals

First self-help book can be pre-ordered 8/2023. Book release date 9/18/2023. Order your copy soon via link to be posted in a few weeks. Stay tuned and Blessings to you! -CJ CJ Madry, LPC, CMFT, NCC, authors Despite Your Circumstances: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals , the first of a collection of self-help books […]

Spring Cleaning

Hello there! 👋 I wanted to write a quick blog to provide some food for thought as you navigate through the change in seasons. This change in seasons that I am referring to can be figurative or literal and should be applied accordingly. For instance, those who may be experiencing a season of change within […]

Still Pushing…

Hello 👋 there! I did not intend to sit down at my computer 💻 to write anything, but now I understand why I was led over here to open it. It whispered my name, so I obliged. I’m currently pursuing an exciting new venture with my family (coming soon…stay tuned!) and it has most of […]