LEAP into the Best Version of You

Hey guys! ? I know it’s been a long minute! I have been super busy ? like so many of you and sometimes there are not enough hours ⏰ in the day to get it all done. This topic came to me after plowing along in my upcoming book. It may be a chapter that I add, but if not, it is worth passing along to you. I’m not going to keep you that long, but I love sharing nuggets of wisdom when they come to me. ?

What does leaping ? ? into the best version of yourself mean? Well, I want to give you a quick acronym of how to leap right now into the best version of yourself. Yes, right now. ? You should be aware of how much I speak of loving yourself and not ever comparing or competing with anyone else. ? With so many challenges happening in everyone’s life, I know the benefits of consistently working on self. ?

? So, let’s get right to it. Remember this simple acronym while you continue to navigate this unpredictable journey of life. Apply the affirmations daily to conquer being the best you that you can be. It only takes about three weeks to form a new habit and 90 days to make it a perpetual lifestyle change. ?

L- Lean on God through ALL of your good and bad times. The power of prayer sustains us through it all, no matter what we are enduring. In great times, seek Him and praise Him ?? and in the dark times, seek Him and praise Him. ?? Always stay prayed up and build your relationship with God. ??

E- Expect the Unexpected. Beyond your greatest expectations, God can and will deliver. We can dream, but we cannot dream bigger than what God has for us. Sometimes, doors close or a window does not budge but that does not mean that the trajectory that we’ve set for our life is out of reach. Let God’s plan intervene at all times and pray for His will to be done. Sometimes, His plan aligns with our plan, but when it doesn’t, know that His is greater.

A- Accept Yourself. Acceptance includes coming to terms with all of you. The good, bad and ugly may be difficult to relive at times; however, it is YOU. You are unique and entitled to be imperfect because human beings are fallible. No, I am not giving you permission to continue to knowingly embark on erroneous choices and actions; nevertheless, I am instructing you on forgiving yourself for your past transgressions because you are not your circumstances. Be kind to yourself. ?

P- Protect Your Peace- If you follow me on social media or you’re a client, you know this extremely well. ? I LIVE for peace and I want that for you too. Free yourself from all negativity and toxicity in your life. This is one aspect of your life that you can control. You are in control of who you let into your life and allow to remain there. You are in control of your psychosocial stressors and if you feel that you are not- it is time to alleviate them through self-care or professional help.

There you have it. ? This only took me approximately 10 minutes to outline for you because that’s about all I had as far as time. ? ? One of my many gifts(praise God??) is to share nuggets of wisdom ? with others to improve your life’s journey, and assist you in becoming the best YOU that you can be. Nothing more, nothing less.

Take care and don’t forget to LEAP ?‍♀️ ? into the best YOU that you can be!

Sending you ? and ?,



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.

102 thoughts on “LEAP into the Best Version of You

  1. Alicia H.

    I just had to say that I always used to question why my life was like it was until I realized that we all go through things. It may not be the same but everyone deals with stuff and I am glad to know that I am not alone. Thank you for reinforcing that for me in your resources. A. H

  2. Cindy V.

    Hi eccsatlanta,
    I am happy to follow you and come out on the top of my mental health. I feel empowered when I read your words. Thank you for letting me voice this.

  3. Stephanie

    Hey CJ!!!

    I have missed your blogs and always grateful when you come through for the home team! This is right on time as usual and I want to thank you for being so instrumental for me and the God send that I need as the best therapist in the world.

  4. Verna

    Hi CJ,

    Yes live is hard and I like your way of thinking to help fix life for me and mine. I take all help and this is a great resource.

  5. Jackie D.

    My daughter sent me info on your website and I am glad she did. Too little good so glad to see some good works in the world. Sincerly, Jackie D.

  6. Layci A.

    I read your posts and follow you and normally just read. I’ve learned to give people feedback when it’s something valuable to your life so I won’t just sit back and appreciate others and will vocalize it from now on. Thank you for inspirational messaging. -Lay

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Layci, Never feel pressured to respond. Many people read blogs and do not respond and that is just fine with bloggers because we do not do it for the response. Just glad I can help someone. Thank you and Blessings to you, CJ.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hello and Thank you kindly for your support. I understand it is not easy, but I am believer that anything worth having is worth the hard work. Blessings, CJ

  7. Tara T.

    We have a zoom virtual meeting coming up with women and would love to invite you as a special guest. Can you email me back? You would help so many women.

  8. April S.

    Good morning to you,
    I have a question. Do you have a Podcast or anything like that to listen to you talk about these topics? I would like to listen to them.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hello April, That’s encouraging with you inquiring about a podcast. If I decide to continue down that rabbit hole, I will definitely let you know. Thank you for your support. Blessings to you, CJ

  9. Darrin D.

    I enjoyed this blog and some others that I read. I hope to find time to read all of them. I also would love to read your book encouraging others when you publish.
    All the best to you,
    Darrin D.

  10. S. B. Thompson

    Hi CJ,

    You are extremely accurate in your assessment. I am in the mental health field too and enjoy your expertise. Keep being great and thank you from one comrade to another for giving back.

  11. Martha

    Good evening Eccsatlanta.life,

    I left a message with your receptionist to try to be a new patient of yours if you are taking new. She was very nice. I hope I get scheduled soon by you. I know therapy will help me. I’m happy I’m my life but I want to stay like this. I hope to hear back soon for appointment.

  12. Michael F.

    My friend sent me this link. This helped me. Thank you for writing and I hope to follow you and learn more.

  13. S. T.

    Hi Mrs. CJ,

    I finally laid here and read your blogs. I read all of them tonight and I must say I am impressed. I am now hooked. You are talented and gifted but I knew that from talking to you. Sending you positivity and love.

  14. Rose C.

    Hello CJ,
    I put your post on my page. I know a lot of my family and friends can benefit from this one. They will read it and hope learn to leap into their best life like me.

  15. Teagan

    Good Morning CJ!

    Book please! I keep begging and you keep telling me to be patient. I need a workbook, a pamphlet, anything until the book is ready. Anything! Please. I need your “nuggets of wisdom” in my life every day. Come on CJ. Stop working and seeing clients for now and just finish your book and then come back to your clients. ? please

  16. Verleria T.

    Hi young lady,

    You did again. You are so wise beyond your years. The way you talk others would think that you are older than me! You have been here before and I tell you that all the time. Let your light continue to shine young lady and you will forever receive blessings. Here’s to you and your special gifts! ?

  17. A. Mitchell

    I’m so proud of you CJ. You are a beast in your field and are anointed. Keep motivating people and letting God use you woman.

  18. Kendra B.

    I just moved to Raleigh and need a therapist for myself and maybe my kids, but I want to start for me first. Can I make an appointment with you. I have read all of your posts on this site and it has help my life so much.

  19. John S.

    Hi embracing change are you local for me to get a session for my wife and me? We need some therapy to help our marriage.

  20. Karen W.

    Hello CJ,
    I think every time you write something it’s because I need it. It always works for me and is what I need in my life at the time. Thank you for breaking this all the way down and in a way to understand. Thank you

  21. Juliassa M.

    hola CJ- thank you for coming back. I always come on your site and wait until you post and hope you post something new. You did with this one and it is good to help me until the next one. I expect the unexpected and will keep working on my relationship with my God. Thank you and I am praying for loads of blessings for you and your family because you deserve it all. You are God’s helper to get through folks here having a hard time in this mean world. Thank you so much forever.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hola Juliassa, Thank you for your kind words and I am appreciative that you are a supporter. God is great all the time, I concur! Blessings to you and yours too and I receive your well wishes for my family and I. Blessings, CJ

  22. Carmen

    I usually don’t post like a lot of people and just always read your blogs. They all speak to me and I make notes and look forward to the next one. This time was different and I had to speak because this one spoke to my soul. I am a crossroads in my life and not knowing how to move and because of this post, I am not going to give up and go the way I thought I was. I know I deserve better and have to be my own best friend. I just want to say I appreciate you and your desire to want to help people you don’t even know. I can’t wait until you release your book that you are writing about all of this. I will be the first to buy it.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Carmen, I appreciate you sharing and I wish you nothing but happiness and the best for your life. It is ok that yo do not post on my blogs, trust me, more read them than the ones who post based on emails and other communication that I receive. Stay tuned and I hope you will enjoy my book soon. Blessings, CJ

  23. Mike W

    Mrs. CJ!
    I love you and your inspiration. You are always on point and time. This hits home. May God keep on blessing you the way you bless us.

  24. Stephanie

    This is bananas. I was talking to my mom about this the other day and how it’s hard to get your life on track and stay on track. You put the plan in place that helps me to see that I am capable. Thank you for always being you and helping.

  25. Poppa Smurf

    Hi CJ I needed this today. I got a lot on my mind and in my life that I’m dealing with. This helps me because I don’t know how to be my best rite now.

  26. Pastrylady48

    Wow CJ- you always know what to say and when to say it. I love when you post your wisdom. Thank you for always being a blessing to me.

  27. Dawn

    You always bless me with your words. For yeeeeaars, you’ve rallied me to become better and accept myself while i let God direct me.
    Many times i know i am afraid to take that LEAP into my best self but I won’t allow them to stagnate me. Maybe my past experiences haunt me or the fear of failure has held me back but i see a BRIGHT future coming. The BEST is yet to come! Thanks CJ! ???❤

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hey woman! You already know, no words need to be spoken. You are chosen and so worthy of all the blessings to come. Thank you for your continued support and I send you nothing but positivity and continued blessings for your life. Blessings, CJ

  28. Aja

    …. Awesome ?… When we truly know better, we do better!!! There’s power in your verbiage, and love in thoughts!!! Our HEAVENLY FATHER is definitely using you!!! Keep on keeping on!!! ?

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Thank you Aja. Nothing but love sent your way and I appreciate your words of affirmation and continued support as long as I’ve been alive. ? Blessings, CJ

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