Planning Doesn’t Always Equal Perfection

Hey good people! ? It’s hard to believe that we are already one month into 2021. ? Whew…slow down time. ? I get many requests behind the scenes for upcoming topics or just requests of when to expect the next blog. Although I’m a busy family woman and professional, I tend to stay in planning mode and organizing my personal and professional lives. I’m certain that many of you can relate because your lives are consumed with day to day responsibilities and overwhelmed with the unplanned obstacles. ?‍♀️

I tend to instruct all of my clients to set goals and attempt them in a manner in which they will get completed. The SMART Goal technique is a great way to learn how to set reasonable goals and to achieve them. (S- Specific, M-Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Relevant and T-Timely). I try to apply ✏️ this method in order to continue elevating in all aspects of my life. Has it always worked? Most of the time it truly has, but every now and then, no matter what is planned concerning certain scenarios, it fails. Let’s take a look at this, so that we can get you out of your debilitating funk and back on track to try again. ?

Every dream ☁️ that we have for our lives is not for our lives. We can plan all day until we’ve allowed it to dictate our every move, but if it’s not in the cards, it’s not going to happen. ? There’s a trajectory that is planned for our lives. Sometimes it just so happens to align with the dreams or plans that we have, and other times it will never fit. ? NEVER. Even though your life may not turn out the way that you planned, it does not mean that it will not improve. What you desire can be just a small fragment of what has been outlined for your planned course. This is why it is imperative to never throw in the towel- ever.

The career path ??‍? that you dreamed of and couldn’t seem to pass the licensing exam is not the end all. The marriage that ended in divorce ? that you thought would last forever was most likely a temporary reprieve until your soul mate appeared. From the first chagrin ? until the present, it’s time to return to the drawing board and discover your purpose. Hone in on your gifts ? and perform so much introspection that you learn your true identity from inside out! If you’re a Christian, like me, go into prayer ? and/or fast until God reveals the path to climb. If you’re spiritual in any way, focus on meditating to get to the answers. Whatever your stance is to get to your inner truth, do it(in a responsible manner without harming self). You deserve to be on the right path ?‍♀️ for your life. It’s such a beautiful, fulfilling journey when you know that you are moving forward and ascending to higher heights and exceedingly profound to ennoble to your destined life. ??

Once you know where you’re headed and you feel comfortable propelling forward, will it be easy? ??‍♀️ At times, it will be. Other times will bring challenges, but you will be prepared for them because you KNOW that you are on YOUR right path. You will always have to check in with yourself and your spiritual connection to remain metaphysically intact; however, it will invariably be worth it because living YOUR BEST LIFE is always invaluable. ??

I’ve learned so much in my life about varied things and will forever be a life-long learner. One of the most important ideals that I take with me daily is that what is for me is for me. ?? No one can take that. ??‍♀️ No one. I hope that you understand that as well. What God has created for you is yours and you deserve to live that purpose-driven life. One of my favorite books, (you know I have many), is The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth am I Here for by Rick Warren. He states that “you cannot fulfill God’s purposes for your life while focusing on your own plans”. To reiterate one final time, ? once you become spiritually aligned, you will understand what your purpose is to properly pursue it on every level.

I hope you received a little nugget of knowledge to assist you in 2021 ? from this blog. It was on my ❤️ heart to help those of you who continue to question why everything keeps falling apart in your lives, even though you’re doing the work to enhance your existence. I want you to work ? diligently on altering that mindset and try something different this year, in order to finally achieve your purpose-driven life.

I wish you so much elevation in your personal and professional lives this year and continue to root ? for you all!

Reference: Warren, Rick. (2002). The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth am I Here for?

Sending You ? and ?,



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.

70 thoughts on “Planning Doesn’t Always Equal Perfection

  1. Ricky M.

    I am going top to bottom, is that ok or are they in order from bottom to top? I told you all of them apply to me and mines.

  2. Trina M.

    I live in Atlanta and would like go make an appointment with you. I want to work on some goals for my life and need to start. I like your page.

  3. Teagan R.

    Hi CJ,

    I love your posts. Do you have any openings for new clients? Are you seeing clients in office or virtual? I would love to be a client. Can you email me?

  4. Stephanie P.

    Its like you are always speaking to me. I always feel like when I get an alert of a new blog that it is right on time and that it will be for me. You are always right on time and talk directly to me. I will continue to move ahead on my path and achieve all that is for me. My happy is out there and I will have it because it is for me. Thank you Cj for always being transparent. Your family and friends are blessed to have you and so are your readers and patients.

  5. Nia L.

    I like how your brain works. I wish I was local so I could change therapists. Maybe one day if you have a free opening. All the best.

  6. Mike S.

    Hi CJ, I’m a man but I know good writing. You are a star. You have fans who will always support you as you keep building, so dont stop.

  7. Dot M.

    I enjoyed this and it’s good to always have a different perspective. I am a lifelong learner too thanks to you.

  8. Scarlett Z.

    Hola CJ,

    So much good information here. I stopped dreaming because I get tired of things not coming true. You gave me hope to dream again with purpose. Thank you chica.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Scarlett,

      That’s what I aim for to get you to see a different perspective and to give you hope. Blessings to you chica, CJ.

  9. Nikki P.

    Hey CJ!
    I’m excited to read this and will take this with me all year and come back to it if I need to. I like being able to go back and find something that I learned on your site and soon your book.

  10. Pastrylady48

    Good Morning CJ,
    I used to set resolutions for new years every year and by the middle of the month, I would be disappointed. I now set reasonable goals such as the Smart goals so that I can achieve them but I learned that it is more than that because if it is not God’s will, they wont happen anyway. I am so open to what you were saying and you are very wise and the smartest person I know. I enjoy your wisdom and quote CJisms all the time. Thank you for being you.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Thank you Pastrylady for always supporting. I do not set resolutions either, just goals throughout the year. I’m always pursuing a goal. I thank you for your kind words.I wish this year to be your best yet lady. Blessings, CJ

  11. Verleria M.

    Hello young lady,
    You continue to be a gift to others and I enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed the others. You get better each time you return. Thank you for caring enough to help people and going above and beyond when you do not have to. I will take your words to heart.
    Mrs. V

  12. AhelaniP

    Can you hear this in my voice? I’m like dang, she came back with that extra fire and stepping on folks toes. I loved all of this and especially when you said whats for you is for you and cant nobody take it. I tell jealous haters that all the time, you cant ever have what is for me. That includes my man, my family, my gifts or my money but most of all my blessings. Hmmph. Love you and hope you have a beautiful, prosperous year because you deserve it all baby girl. All!

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Ahelani,

      This tickled me so much but I appreciate all of your heartfelt words. I love your words and agree wholeheartedly with all of them. LOL. Blessings, CJ

  13. Ronda S.

    Hey CJ,

    You are a blessing to me and my life. I cannot thank you enough. Thank you for being sent by God and being highly favored in your life. You are so special. I look forward to your words all year. At least I am praying for them.

  14. Kim S.

    You have any openings? Please…..please please. I made a resolution to start therapy again. Please

  15. Missy F

    Hi CJ,
    We were just talking about you in my office and when we would see the next blog. This is what we will now talk about over lunch tomorrow. Go head girl with all that big brain in your head. I know I deserve better and I will get some.

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