Delusion Vs. Reality

Hey good people! In taking a break from my book ? writing, I decided I needed to write a quick blog for my readers ? . I typically get my ideas ? from current happenings, suggestions from acquaintances, or expanded topics from prior blogs. So our topic today is: ? Delusions. As a licensed psychotherapist, I could discuss this topic in the clinical sense, after all, Delusional Disorder is a serious mental disorder, but I am going to speak in reference to the layman’s term of “delusion”. I do not want to use my Blogsite as a diagnosis site, so in the event that you feel you or a loved one fits the criteria for significant challenges with struggles of delusional beliefs, please seek therapeutic help ☎️ to assist.

Now, that we’ve established that we are speaking about delusions in everyday terms, what makes your psyche believe in an altered reality even though the truth is present? I think we tend to want what we want, in spite of what may be achievable. Now, I realize that I typically tell you to go after all of your dreams ☁️ , set goals for yourself, and stay in the fight ? . I still wholeheartedly believe in all of those valuable nuggets of wisdom. ? Where the breakdown happens is when we have attempted time after time for something that is unrealistic and continue to receive disappointment. For example, people ? ? go through seasonal relationships, but refuse to accept when they are over. A false sense of it not being over is what leads them into continued heartbreak. ? If it’s over, it’s over. ✅ There comes a time to accept the end of something and moving on with your life. Stop the madness, cut the imaginary strings in your head and take your life back. You are worthy of so much more than rejection, but you choose to remain in a delusional place and not concede.

At this point, are you the one to blame for your distorted reality? For the most part, yes. You give the other person the power to continue to reject you, after they’ve shown you many times that they have moved on and now you must do the same to retain your peace ☮️ and sanity. Another example is expecting something to happen when it’s hurting someone else to get it. God ? blesses us, but always know that He will not bless you with someone else’s blessings. If it’s meant for you, you will have it and if you try to destroy someone else’s happiness to get it, it will not ever last because it was never yours. Go ?? get YOUR own blessings.

Additionally, sometimes things are expected from doing absolutely zero ??‍♀️ work to get it. Effort, will, and determination have to be put forth to gain elevation. ⬆️ Whether it’s an opportunity, relationship, adventure or whatever that you’re attempting, it has to be attainable and yours for the taking. To reiterate, you are worthy, but only if it’s meant for you. So, how do you know if it’s delusional or attainable when you’re breaking down the happenings in your life? Here are a few tips to determine if it’s delusional in thought:

  1. Have you been seeking something for a period of time that doesn’t seem to ever come to fruition, after exerting much effort?
  2. Are you halting your life waiting on this event or relationship to happen? Obsessing?
  3. Do you feel rejected while waiting for it to happen?
  4. Have you received signs or communication that what you are seeking is not ever going to happen?
  5. Do the people in your support circle advise you to move on from this and focus on something or someone else?
  6. Are you feeling low and miserable within yourself as you hone in on this situation?
  7. Does it constantly impact your peace of mind?
  8. Does it affect your ability to focus on something else?
  9. Are you rationalizing and telling yourself falsehoods, such as I know they care about me and will come around, even though there is no hope from the other party(ies)?
  10. Are you pretending to be happy around others while waiting on this “dream” to happen, yet within, you are silently crumbling?

It’s important to always be true to ourselves and accept our truths. Lying ? to self just to make yourself feel better is always a start to further deterioration internally. If you cannot be transparent with anyone else, it must be with your own self. You deserve to know yourself inward and outward wholly, and to maintain regular self-check ups to ensure that your peace ☮️ is intact.

This blogpost seemed thoroughly ideal with everything that is going on post election ? 2020. As I expressed above ⬆️ , if you or anyone that you know is at a level of distorted reality that is impacting ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living), please consider seeking a licensed therapist ?‍⚕️ in your area to start the process of therapeutic care ? .

**This blogpost is not meant to cure, diagnose, or treat any clinical diagnoses such as Delusional Disorder. Becoming a client or patient and undergoing treatment is necessary for such care, if deemed appropriate.

Sending you ? and ?,



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.

48 thoughts on “Delusion Vs. Reality

  1. Teagan R.

    This is so eye opening for me. I know plenty of delusional people even I have been delusional in the past but thank God I woke up. I cant wait to read all of these posts.

  2. Scarlett

    All of this. I reread this 4 times and will come back to it to savor it like I do all of your posts.

  3. Dot M.

    Hello CJ,

    As a very mature woman, I can appreciate this and hope other young women will learn to respect themselves enough to know when to throw in the towel. For those who are innocent and just do not know, that is one thing, but when you know better you do better. For those who keep trying to force something that isn’t there and interfere with others lives, they deserve all of the hell that they get. I have compassion for people but not when they intentionally set out to hurt others in order to get their wants. Good post. Thank you young lady.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hello Dot,

      Those words ring truth. Will the church say Amen! You spoke a word. I’m glad you received your interpretation of my blog through your insight. I love when you stated that when you know better, you do better. One of my favorite affirmations. Thank you for your continued support. Blessings, CJ

  4. Nikki P.

    I learned again. It Will always amaze me how much I learn even when I think that I am the smartest woman in the universe already. Well, second to you.

  5. Ronda S.

    I enjoyed every word of this. Thank you for helping people. Sending you the same ? and ? you send your fans.

  6. Pastrylady 48

    I tell you every time that you post that you cannot leave as long as you do, but Im learning patience because I need full help book in my life. I love self help books and have a mass collection but I would buy and give yours as gifts.

  7. Ahelani P

    I just read an article in Self Magazine that was talking about how to stop wanting other people’s things and going after your own. I know its important to try to go after your dreams but if it becomes unrealistic, then you must move past it. Thats why I believe in signs. That article spoke to me and so does your words.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Ahelani,

      I believe in alignments, such as receiving repeated information and signs from above to get us to wake up. Thanks. Blessings, CJ

  8. Kim S.

    Its like you are always talking to me CJ and I learn something every time. CJ 101 needs to be a class. I will sign up first and bring all of my family and friends.

  9. Rebecca S.

    I always wonder why some people can accept what happens and others cannot. God doesn’t give us anyone else’s blessings, and I believe that. You can’t have what’s mine and I cannot have what is yours. That is it in a nutshell. Get your own blessings- I agree with this blog and like all you said. Thank God for him loving us to bless us all and give us all what we need.

  10. Chris H.

    Hi Dr.CJ as you stated love starts with self and be honest with self and excepting reality. Yes I believe a lot of ppl endure heartaches because they try to force something that isn’t there. To me it’s like forcing a puzzle piece in the wrong spot. It is sad to see so many women live in this delusion when it comes to relationships because they never experience true happiness or miss those opportunities to actually give them what they need. But to get pass this delusional, one must accept and not live in denial.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Chris!

      Yes, to everything that you took from this. DENIAL. Key word. It’s sad to see women (some men), in this situation and not able to accept reality. They need help to build up their self-esteem and to get them to a healing place to understand they’re worthy of happiness. It doesn’t include living in someone else’s happiness, but it does include getting to their own happy. Happiness looks different for everyone, but you can’t impede on someone else’s to get yours. Thank you for your articulate communication, as usual, on this post. Blessings, CJ

  11. Verleria M.

    Hello Ms. Cj,

    Yep- I think we all have a tendency to be in Lala land when we are younger and have not matured. It seems that when we work with ourself and learn through God helping us to see the world isn’t promised to us and then we start to wake up and learn more. If grown people still don’t know the difference of real and never going to happen, they need to start all over in life and get the grown up 101 talk. Ha! Thank you for shedding light on this.

  12. Shaun T.

    CJ, This could be a good book too. So I can show it to some annoying people that I know so that they feel their responsibility to go away. Lol.

  13. Valerie

    I always have a hard time telling if I should fight for something or throw the towel in. I think your tips helped me the most because I could relate to them when I compare them with a few things I am dealing with and can help me to make a strong decision to move forward and don’t look back. Thank you CJ.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Valerie,

      Continue to do the internal work and I’m sure you’ll get there if you think you’re having a problem deciphering. We’re all a work in progress. Thank you for your continued support. Blessings, CJ

  14. Stephanie P.


    I think you know people too well and could be a psychic and a super therapist. This hit home for me but I don’t want to go into detail. I can say that once you accept things for what they are and know that you need to move on from something, it is a breath of fresh air and your life can begin.

  15. Mike W.

    Good Morning CJ,

    I’ve always felt like this about some important people in my life. I feel like they live in a delusioned world and need to wake up. What can you do to get people to move on or get help? I’m anxious to hear your reply.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Mike,

      Send them this link to this blogpost to start and hopefully if they need the help and deem it more of a serious issue, they will seek professional help. Thank you for your continued support. Blessings, CJ

  16. Nikki G.

    I wait on your blogs and glad you wrote about this. Maybe we can get some of the Republicans to read this.

  17. Karen S.

    Hey CJ,

    I like this read. This one makes you think because I am sure people who are delusional, sometimes they do not know if they are really that. I hope people will get help for it if they need it. Thank you.

  18. Aja

    …get a grip… accept… move on ?… go head CJ….. Your words of encouragement are truly enlightening… keep the pen on the paper, your heart open, and you will go to places you can never imagine!!! You already know where your HELP come from ??

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Aja,

      Yes maam! All of this and I always receive all of your well-wishes. Thank you so much and for your never-evening continued support. Blessings, CJ

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