Happy Holidays to you and yours! I pray ? it’s as peaceful as can be, in spite of whatever challenges that you or your loved ? ones may be experiencing. It’s the end of 2020 and I wanted to end my final 2020 blog on a hopeful note. Typically, I choose a topic in which I help you on your journey to successfully navigate your life. I want you to receive HOPE from this final blog of the year. I don’t know what you all are enduring in your lives, but I am privy to some of your challenges because you share them. My hope is that if you didn’t take anything from all of my blogs from 2020, that you gain productive insight ? from this one and conclude that ? YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

This holiday season ? may look very different for you. In fact, if you’re like everybody that I know, either you or someone that you care about has been affected negatively this year. Even if you are in the minority of most people around the world, who has not been directly or indirectly impacted, you’ve seen the devastation of so many and empathize fully. ?

I want you to stop ✋ and look back on the entire year wholly to get a fair assessment of where you can be in your mindset right now. Through all of the losses, heartaches, and despairing moments, can you see any “good” that has happened? Any? For example, no matter how calamitous the event(s) was for you, were you able to come out on the other side of it? You may not think you’re on the other side of it yet, but even if you’re not officially there, you are on your way because you’re here and you’re reading ? this blog. The start of healing begins when you come to acceptance and continue to move forward in your life. ➡️ You may tell me that you are not able to roll out of bed ? most mornings or that you’re operating on autopilot to get through your day, but I’m here to let you know- that’s a start. You may be down in spirits right now, unable to commit to a daily regimen; however, you picked up your phone or other device, and are now focused on your peace of mind and mental health. Kudos to you! ?

You are allowed to wallow in grief and feel defeated for as long as you need, but as soon as that one spark ⚡️ presents itself, you are required, to stand up and put one foot ? in front of the other and break free ⛓ from that chapter in your life. Yes, it’s mandatory. Each day is a new day to count your blessings. You may not be where you want to be, but each day that you’re given is a new day to strive for it. ? Whatever it takes to get to that advancement stage, including self-motivation or the motivation from others, utilize it to get moving. ?‍♀️ ?

I’m not oblivious to the pains that you may be experiencing and never want to appear desensitized from heartbreak. ? You may be grieving from the loss of a loved one, and if so, I send you my sincerest condolences. ? I want you to understand that you are still alive; you are here for a reason. Relish in the memories as often as they come and appreciate the time that you had with them. Grieve as much as you need and don’t ever let anyone tell you when to stop grieving. Understand this, your loved ones would not want you to give up on life because they are no longer here, so honor them by living on and elevating your life. ⬆️

Sometimes in our most difficult seasons of life, greatness develops! ?? Redirecting that drained energy into positive movement may very well catapult you into your destination of prominence. ?? There will always be bumps in the road of life that throw us off track for what we have planned for our lives; however, getting back in the saddle demonstrates that we’re hopeful and worthy of our achievements. ??

2020 has tested our faith in ways that no one could have ever imagined, but if you’re coming out of this year without any type of uplifted change to yourself, you possibly did not take advantage to gain introspect and move differently. ? Maybe your drive was lacking because 2020 robbed you of it, and you were unable to overcome through the unexpected challenges. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of navigating this year, congratulations are in order, because you are still here, and granted another beautiful day ☀️ to aspire for better.

Happy Holidays ? ? to You and Your Families! It may not be traditional as you’ve always known it, but to reiterate one final time, ? you’re here and hopefully that’s enough to help restore your center of peace ☮️ and hope for a better life in the upcoming 2021 year. I hope to chat with you in the new year and that 2021 holds so much hope for you to achieve your dreams and aspirations.

Sending you ? and ?,



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.

54 thoughts on “HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

  1. Sandra TM

    I believe again from reading this and hoping 2021 brings better days for me and my family. I enjoy your work and Happy Holidays.

  2. Teagan R.

    I found this site on Instagram and I’m happy I did. Should I read from the bottom up or bottom down or is it not in any kind of order? I like this one and have some good stuff to help me succeed in life.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Welcome Teagan!

      Whatever you choose. There’s no particular order, all of the blogs are different topics. There may be a few that were an ongoing discussion; however you should be able to follow along. Again- welcome and Happy Holidays.



  3. Karen

    Greetings CJ,

    I always enjoy your words of wisdom. I lost a lot this year but I’m still alive. I have so much to be thankful for and I’m glad you always know what to say and when to say it. Sometimes I forget that but a wakeup call to how good my life is because I am still here helps me to not forget. I hope everyone in your life from your family to your friends and the people you help have a good healthy year too. Thank you again for caring about us. Happy Holidays and Happy Kwanza to you too.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi there Karen!

      Thank you for your support and positive words always. I wish the same for you and yours. Happy Holidays!



  4. Shaun T.

    Word. These are the words we need in 2020. I hope we get some peace in 2021 too like you said. I’m praying for everybody because I know so many people that have had a really bad year. Happy Holidays.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Shaun,

      2020 has been a beast but taught so many lessons to take with us on our journeys. I pray for peace daily as well and hope it’ll get better in so many ways for all. Happy Holidays to you too.



  5. Saivon P.

    I enjoyed this and glad I read it. I needed this. Year been crazy but I’m a fighter and waiting on my better. I know it’s on its way. Merry Christmas and hope to talk to you in the new year.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hey Saivon,

      Stay in the fight! Great words to live by. Thank you for your continued support and I will continue to keep you and yours in prayer. Happy Holidays.



  6. Shon

    Happy Holidays to you and you family CJ! Thank you for this message of hope and moving forward! I have been on auto pilot all the year going to a job that I hated! Through it all I said three words “Lord Deliver Me”! In November he came through in a mighty big way! I have a full and part time job that I love going to! I had to trust and have faith! I thank you always for the encouragement that you have given to me and pray you continue to be blessed in this life and always! ?

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hey woman!
      Thank you so much for your continued support and always making me smile. I am so happy for you and your blessings. You deserve it all sweet lady. Can’t wait to ttys. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year for you and your beautiful family. Keep shining!



  7. Missy F

    Is this what your book is about? Hope? I hope so. No pun intended. Ha ha. Merry Christmas CJ. I always feel better after I read your words or hear your words. Thank you. I’m going to play in the snow now and be hopeful and grateful.

  8. Kim S.

    This is a good way to end the year on a positive note. I hope the new year opens on a positive note too. I enjoyed this read.

  9. Pastrylady48

    I’ve had a hell of a year and you know about most of it. I am grateful to still be here and when the darkness comes from grief and longing, I know that I am here for a reason. Sometimes I ask myself what is that reason but I know it is to at least be here for my kids. I gain the strength from strong smart professional women like you to keep going on. I thank God for my circle and you are a big part of it. I always say thank you and will always thank God for you. I pray that whatever your heart desires that you get it as well as you care about all of your clients and people in your life. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Muah!

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Thank you Pastrylady!

      I appreciate you and your kind words and will always value your insight. You’ve got this, so keep fighting and pushing through. I look forward to communicating with you in the new year. Blessings, CJ

  10. Ronda S.

    I want to say that I enjoyed this one just like I enjoyed every one from 2020. I am glad you started this. I know we are not supposed to use this for therapy but it helps me more than you know. It helps me to look inside of myself and make better decisions so I am saying thank you again and again. Merry Christmas.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Ronda,

      No, we do not use blogs in place of therapy but I am glad that you enjoy and I also enjoy your insight. Wishing you a beautiful holiday season!

      Blessings, CJ

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Nikki,

      For some reason your comment was deleted before I got a chance to approve it. If you can, resend it. Thanks lady.



  11. Dot M.


    I tell you all the time that you were sent from heaven and been here before and everytime you help people like this with your beautiful words, I know more and more that you were sent. You are a true gem and blessing and I am glad my sister and I read your blogs and get inspired to help others in our lives. You are highly favored and I am happy to have connected with you. Merry Christmas to you Beauty.

    Amen and Amen. -Dot

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Dot,

      Happy Holidays and I receive all of your kind words. You are the gem and greatly appreciated as well. Thank you for your continued support and I hope you and your beautiful family have a blessed holiday season. Talk to you in the new year!


  12. Scarlett Z.

    Merry Christmas CJ,
    Can I get on your schedule soon, please? Reading this makes me know I truly need therapy from you.

  13. KeliS.

    I Love this. A nice way to end the year with some hope. So many profound thoughts and statements in this. You are so talented. Merry Christmas to you and yours too.

  14. cjmadry Post author

    Hi Stephanie,
    I’m so glad I could provide you a little hope. Thank you for your continued support and I wish you and yours Happy Holidays!


  15. Poppa Smurf

    Hello CJ- I ‘preciate these words of wisdom as always. This year been rough on my family and friends and I’m like you when you said if you dont know anyone that has had a trying year to count it as a blessing. My grandmoma always said that behind the storms is sun and I hope we have more sun filled days than we can stand. I would like to wish you and your whole family a happy holiday season and a healthy blessed new year! Stay up, Poppa Smurf

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Happy Holidays to You Sir!

      I always appreciate your thoughts and want to thank you for your support. I agree with your Grandmom and she sounds like a wise woman. Wishing you and yours a prosperous New Year as well in health and wealth. You “stay up” too.


  16. Verleria M.

    Hi CJ,
    This touched my soul. I felt like you were talking to me. You sure know what to say young lady. Keep letting God use you the way He does and you will continue to soar. No one can block greatness and that’s what I see in you. Wishing you a prosperous, healthy new year.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Verleria,

      I receive all of those beautiful well wishes. I also want to wish you and yours a beautiful, blessed holiday season. Thank you so much for your continued support.


  17. Nikki S.

    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. I am forever grateful for you and all that you do. Thank you again and again for your beautiful heart and soul. That’s why you look like you do on the outside because you are all of that on the inside. God works through you to shine on others. I keep you in prayer like you keep all of your clients. I pray our 2021 is better than our 2020. Amen.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Thank you Nikki,

      You are so kind and appreciated. To whom much is given, much is required. That’s what keeps me going and pushing. I wish you and your beautiful family a blessed holiday season.


  18. Valerie

    All of this is everything! I am rereading it again and again because this speaks to me and everybody around me. All this bad going on in the world and everybody needs some help. Bless you so much.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Valerie,
      I’m glad you liked it. I wish you so much goodness to close out this year and for next year. You are appreciated lady. All the best to you and yours.

      Merry Christmas!


    1. cjmadry Post author

      Thanks Mike. I understand my purpose and find it a blessing to give back. Thank you for your continued support and wishing you Happy Holidays.


  19. AhelaniP

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year CJ! This is filled with hope for many. God bless you Beautiful and your beautiful family.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Ahelani,
      Right backatcha! Thank you and I appreciate your continued support. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year woman.


    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Stephanie,
      I’m so glad I could provide you a little hope. Thank you for your continued support and I wish you and yours Happy Holidays!


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