Your Feelings are Valid

This week was supposed to be the last topic of my series discussing Coronavirus and how to cope. It was going to be focused on how to move forward, but that’s not as important as what I have on my mind for this week’s topic: You and your feelings. How do we process all of this unfairness and corruption that continues to infiltrate our lives? For some reason, in spite of all of the heartaches relating to police brutality or unwarranted homicides that many of us have felt more frequently in the past ten years(thanks to the internet and social media), these most recent heartbreaking events seem to affect us beyond a state of unrest.


Since last week, my therapeutic sessions have seemed to focus more on how we are coping with the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. The passion that has been evoked in most of us, and I feel safe to say of all of my readers, is unwavering. The thought of having to repeatedly visualize the image of an innocent man’s murder on camera, at the hands of someone who has taken an oath to serve and protect is just heart-wrenching and led to the eruption of protests that you are witnessing daily. When you can’t be an ordinary citizen and sleep or enjoy ice cream in your home(Breonna Taylor, Botham Jean, respectively), take a jog in your neighborhood (Ahmaud Arbery), or receive due process of the law without being murdered on camera(George Floyd), you hopefully realize that your emotions are beyond valid to feel everything that you are experiencing. Everything. From anger ? to frustration, exhaustion, rage, hurt, disappointment, grief, fear, unprotected, broken, heartbreak, depression, confusion ?, anxiety, and so many more that become a cycle of emotions that seem to place you in an out of control state. ?


What’s more exhausting than all of these feelings is the fact that you also have other challenges going on in your life at the same dang time. UGH! ? Whether you’re dealing with older problems, new situations, or an influx of both that are stressing you to a level of breakdown, it’s just too much to handle. Something has to give in order to continue on and see a clearer sky. ☀️ As I’ve heard the millennials say often “the struggle is real”. What can you do to make all of these problems and heightened emotions dissipate that seem to occupy your mind like this?


I’ll tell you what you can’t do. You can’t continue like this without a plan. Self-care is vital. ? You must prioritize what needs your time and energy and how much of it. If you’re an active protester and you have to continue, designate certain days that you are able to lend your voice and exercise your first amendment right. At the level of justified aggravation that we are feeling, protesting could continue for months to come. By choosing times and days that you can partake allows you to control your time and focus on the importance of the movement for those moments. You’re back in the driver’s seat ? with your schedule and dominating your stress levels. You do not have to physically protest daily because that can be overly draining for you and lead to self-deterioration along with self-deprivation. If you feel the need to be greatly involved, lend your help in other areas behind the scenes, in the comfort of your home, on the days outside of the days that you are protesting.


Work your schedule! Devote enough time to the other areas and problems that are consuming your life. All of our problems are either controllable by making certain decisions or taking certain actions to alleviate them OR they are out of our control. Once you identify and label each problem/situation in your life, ? it makes it easier to cope and elevate from it and move on to the next. You CAN cope and get through any and everything that you are enduring, but it takes vigorous effort and determination.


Grieve for our lost brothers and sisters. ? It feels as if we’ve lost a family member because we realize they could easily be one of our own family members. This also may trigger losses that we may already be struggling with and the pain of loss from a loved one is unbearable to say the least. ? Mourn all of your losses and know that you are not alone. You are entitled to grieve as long as you need. Grief is an individual process for everyone. You owe zero explanation for your ups and downs and forward movement or remaining stagnant. I’m going to shout it from the mountaintop ⛰until it resonates in you:


Always know that help is here. If you can’t get the relief you need in dealing with your emotions and seem to be further declining in your functionalities, please do not hesitate to reach out for help. Sending many prayers and blessings to you!

Stay strong and remember you got this. ?

***For you that need scripture reference to help deal with grief, please go to: Psalms: 147:3, Matthew: 11:28-30, Isaiah: 54, and John: 14:27

RIP George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breanna Taylor ?



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.


14 thoughts on “Your Feelings are Valid

  1. Pastrylady48

    I’m glad I remembered to check your site! Wednesday comes so fast but I wish I could read it everyday. LOL. I am happy to see people taking a stand and I feel like we should be way past this. That would be the reason why my feelings are what they are. Are you as frustrated as I am? I look at my two sons everyday and I am so nervous to see them leave the house. My fiance knows that I worry about him and them and tries to help me through it but tells me that we have to still live life. I get all of that but I am just scared for them.

    1. CJ Madry

      Hi Pastrylady,

      I share those sentiments. I don’t have sons but I have a husband that I pray over before he leaves home and understand it doesn’t get easier. For all with sons, I keep you in prayer because it’s so real and scary in the world we’re living in. I hope in our lifetime that we get to see a new world order. Keep your hubby and boys covered in prayer. Be safe. Blessings, CJ

  2. AhelaniP

    I’ve participated in about 10 protests since last Friday. They have been peaceful for the most part and not what you see on tv. I feel like I have to be there this time because this world needs change and I want to be a part of it and not just sit back and watch others stand up for our rights. We are all in this change together and I am glad you are speaking out on your thoughts too.

    1. CJ Madry

      Hi Ahelani!

      Good for you! I’d be out there if I could, but grateful I’ve marched in a few marches for the experience of fighting for justice. I participated in 2 March on Washington’s with the NAACP, 2 consecutive years in 1991 and 1992. It was a fulfilling experience. Sad we’re still protesting injustice, but unfortunately we must go forth and continue to fight for equality. Be safe out there! Blessings, CJ.

  3. Ronda S.

    I enjoyed this week’s topic and glad you decided to write about it. It has been a crazy week and my family and I are trying to make sense of all of this. I hope justice finally happens for everybody affected by police violence and I am just so sad and angry. I am glad you said that our feelings matter because I cant shake this.

    1. CJ Madry

      Hi Ronda,

      Yes your feelings matter! Process each one and move onto the next. That’s the healthy way of working through our situations. We will get through this one way or another. That’s for certain. Stay strong. -CJ

  4. Aja

    Your thoughts and ENCOURAGING WORDS is like ” A prescription” being filled… Shall be taken as prescribed… Along with the word of GOD… Mental health can be “restored”…I anxiously await for them each week. Pills can be “bitter” when taken, (truly taken) but the ” have a “sweet” outcome!!! ?

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Thank you Aja. These are perilous times that we are living in and people need hope. Sometimes words can soothe and provide a momentary relief to help us get to this hope. So much work to be done and yes it starts with prayer, however I like many others, feel a necessary change coming. Blessings to you. ?

      1. LenoxxEck

        Hi CJ,
        You know many people are raised in the church and start to see the bible play out in front of us. I always think about my NANA talking about the bible being lived out in front of us. When my siblings and I were younger, we didn’t understand but we do now. I think God is in showing us that he is in charge and going to show this evil in the world who God is. God is the great I AM, so we are watching greatness unfold. Hope you and your family are safe.

        1. CJ Madry

          Hi Lenoxx! Always nice to get your insight. I grew up the same way with a strong grandmother and the church helping to navigate life. We are witnessing so much before our eyes that we never would have fathomed. Stay strong and stay in the fight. Thank you- my family is well. ?

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