Breaking Unhealthy Relationship Connections

Hi there! I’ve received quite a few messages inquiring about my weekly blog, and at this point, my time only permits a blog biweekly, so check for it every two weeks! I usually decide what I am going to blog about based on what I gain from others over the week. This time, I was compelled based on a meme that applies to so many people. It states: May I please never get attached to a heart ♥️ that isn’t meant to be mine. These words speak so many different lessons for varied situations and can truly apply to any of us.

I think most people would look at that phrase and automatically think of forbidden love. ? I cannot say that I did not think the same, and I will discuss that later as well, but it refers to any type of soul tie that people can become entangled in. Soul ties can refer to spiritual, emotional or physical connections between two people. ? ? They can be marriage, wedding ? business, physical intimacy, and friendship. ? Either way, they can be difficult to break without the inner strength ? to do so. Unhealthy soul ties can include obsessing about a person, dreaming about them or waking up thinking about them regularly and also hearing ? their voice in your head. You may also imagine a life that you know will most likely never happen with this person. They usually form from co-dependency, idolatry of another person, abandonment issues with said person or others, and can be so detrimental to your being. It’s important to evaluate all of the relationships in your life to properly label them as healthy or unhealthy. ?

Those soul ties that form spiritually with your spouse or mate are a special gift from God and should be viewed as such. ? If the soul tie is healthy, you feel good ? about the connection and the feelings are reciprocated. You have a calming and peaceful existence with this person and if we are speaking in romantic terms, ? this is most likely your soul mate ? (for those romantics who believe in soul mates ? ). For business partners and friendships, peace is definitely present and there is a resounding connection that exists within the partnership and connection. Disagreements may happen, even in healthy connections, because you are two different individuals, however; you always return to a healthy state of existence with this person. NOURISH THAT BOND! It is indubitably worth it given the premise that humans thrive on relationships. HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS.

Now, ? for any of your relationships that just should not be, or in some of your situations, never should have been, a soul tie is very unhealthy and can be deleterious to your being. ? As a therapist, yes, I’ve had clients who were on the giving and receiving ends of infidelity, resulting in soul ties. Some couples ? work through infidelity and some cannot get beyond it. ⬆️ Either way, there is zero judgment on this end, as a professional, but whatever decision is made can affect every partner negatively, if the predicament is not processed from beginning to end. For anyone in any type of circumstance like this, no matter your role, if the other person does not feel the same about you: ? MOVE ON! Unwind those thoughts, ? speak positive affirmations over your life, dismantle those unrealistic dreams with this person, and press forward. ➡️

You are worthy of more than that situation or relationship. It is time to stop wasting ? your precious time ? and move on to loving ? yourself and meeting someone who deserves you. One of my favorite quotes is: People come into our lives for a reason, season, or lifetime. Identify if that relationship was a reason or season, take the lesson and move on ✌️. They did not feel the same way as you and that’s ok, you will meet someone who is worthy of you. CUT THAT UNHEALTHY SOUL TIE. Ask God to help you through prayer(if you are spiritual), and work on building your strength ? to get over your past. Always remember that you cannot make people feel the same way. Do not let some one keep showing you that they are no longer interested or treat you as you are less than your worth. Take back your thoughts, ? your dreams, your life.

Now, I am not saying that the person on the other end is not a good person because everyone makes mistakes and chooses unwisely from time to time. In fact, I will go out on a limb ? to say that they very well may be good-hearted individuals, as well. I just want you to know that they are not meant for you and that’s ok! ? Let them have a great life with whomever they choose and you do the same by moving on and showing your worth. You are worth having someone to solely love you the same way that you desire to love this unhealthy connection that you’ve formed. ? MOVE ON- keep your sanity and rediscover peace of mind, because I am sure that individual has that already, yet you’re showing him or her that you are not capable of doing the same. Take back your power and go forth in life and live your best life. ?

I know that all of my blogs will not apply to you faithful readers, but they apply to some of you, which is where I get my inspiration to write them. If this one doesn’t apply to you, maybe you have a friend, sibling or co-worker who needs help with understanding their worth and how to break unhealthy soul ties.

Sending you ? and ?,



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.

47 thoughts on “Breaking Unhealthy Relationship Connections

  1. Chris H.

    Hi Dr. CJ I will definitely share this post, being in unhealthy relationships (omg), really takes from you as a person. It affect many aspects of you as a person.


    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Chris,

      Once a person realizes that the relationship is unhealthy, it is their duty to make a change. It can be to fix it or to come to terms with the fact that it is over and is not salvageable. Valuing who you are will eliminate the need to remain in unhealthy relationships. Blessings, CJ

  2. Sista Soul World

    To OP,

    Are you going to be talking about these kinds of topics on your new podcast? I hope so!

  3. Millie V.

    I’d like to see more on getting passed bad connections that should have never been. I’ll tune in every week to see what more you say.

  4. Grace H.

    I’ve been on both sides and understand that I’m worthy of more. It’s no fun when you’ve fallen in love with the wrong man. Some men are dishonest and have women but don’t tell you and then you get attached and they act like you wrong for fall in love with them. I feel stupid but it hurts.

    1. Pastrylady48

      Some women bring drama based on their own actions. I don’t know your story, but if you had any way of knowing that you were involved with a married man, it’s your own fault. Men very rarely leave their wife for the side home wreckers. I’m not saying that’s your story but if it is, you brought your own pain on yourself.

      1. cjmadry Post author

        Hi Pastrylady48,

        Thank you for your comment. Sometimes we don’t understand or know someone’s entire story unless they share it, so it’s always good to ask the questions for clarity and to gain understanding.

  5. Nikki G.

    Yep it’s crazy because I just had this conversation with my best friend. Soul ties can destroy happiness. They ain’t no joke. I always protect my heart. I can’t wait to read your next post.

  6. Tonya W.

    Hello CJ,

    Sounds deeper than affairs of the heart that my Grandmom used to refer to. People let their hearts lead instead of their heads. That could save so many people from this hurt.

  7. Shawn W.

    Thanks CJ!

    So much knowledge in this blog and your site. You care about people and your clients. It’s very obvious.

  8. Lisa R.

    I showed this to my husband. I believe he can learn from this one more than me. Sometime people won’t let go and become addicted to other folks.

  9. Queen Sugar Tea

    I’m printing this out and giving it to my sister and moma. All I could see was them as I read this.

  10. Leilani

    What if they don’t go away!!!! What if you’ve been battling a soul tie for 2 years? I’m struggling and need this soul tie off of me that my ex boyfriend controls me with.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Leilani,

      This is definitely a blog site to talk about many issues. If I can be of any help, respond back to my email and if I can’t help, I’ll help you locate a referral in your area. Thank you. Blessings, CJ

  11. Jennifer P.

    I think all soul ties are evil. Seems like people connect evilly onto someone else and take their spirit. I know you said both and I guess, but I don’t like that word for them. How do you feel about them? It is a Good conversation starter though and learning experience.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Yes Jennifer, I can understand and respect your thought process. I love learning further information on any subject. If you learn more about the evil side of them, do share! Thanks. Blessings, CJ

  12. Pastrylady48

    Lordy! CJ, you say that meme spoke to you, you know this spoke to me. You know my history and as the receiving end of someone who has been fighting for my marriage, I understand a little more of why my husband may he struggling. You provided me with another perspective. I want to keep coming back to this one. I will because it’s speaking to me if not anybody else. Thank you for your help with this. Powerful.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Pastrylady48,

      Glad you enjoyed! Keep on coming back for engagement. Maybe you can delve in deeper with a few respondents. Blessings, CJ

  13. Poppa Smurf

    I never knew really what a soul tie was. This explains so much for me and some connections that o can’t let go of. I need a book on This. Do you know any?

  14. Valerie A.

    Hi CJ,

    Every two weeks, so I guess I’ll make an appointment in between those weeks because I need my dose of your wisdom weekly. This is a good read and I learned so much. Thank you.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi there!

      I’m glad you enjoy my posts. My time has been tight, but if it gets better, I’ll go back to weekly. Blessings, CJ

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