
Greetings everyone! My name is CJ Madry, and I’m an LPC and CMFT (Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Marriage and Family Therapist). I wanted to start a blog to provide an additional resource for anyone that may benefit from gaining insight from a professional therapist as well as others in similar situations which relate to the topic that we will be discussing. Life is a journey in itself and can be extremely difficult to navigate, so knowing that others are experiencing the types of challenges that you are battling can help to alleviate these stressors in your life. This by zero means is meant to be an actual therapeutic counseling session nor are we establishing any type of client-counselor relationship or privilege, but again, it can be an outlet to help you to release and establish a new way of thinking for your life.

Going forward, every week I will post a new blog entry detailing how you can become a better version of yourself in one of the following ways:


This type of blog uses personal experiences or past sessions to inspire the day’s discussions. Since many of us deal with so many similar issues, it is moreover a general type of situation that will be addressed. There will be zero identifying information and will be written as such.


This type of blog uses literature and educational resources to explain a specific concept or problem. In addition to my professional expertise, I will also provide references and sources to supplement the text at hand. These sources will also be available for additional resources to research and read on your own.


This type of blog teaches individuals how to maneuver when faced with certain curve balls in life. These will be tips and suggestions to aid in certain situations to garner relief. This will not allow for a replacement to actual therapy, if warranted for your life, but can be a supplement to therapy as well as a precursor to therapy.


This type of blog lists my favorite items or practices at the moment by implementing within therapeutic sessions. In therapy, as we learn and apply different techniques that seem to work overall, it can become a favorite or common ideal that we will utilize, i.e., communication game for couples, to do lists for children, and journaling for individuals. These can be used as additional resources and will change continuously as I discover new ideals and practices.

Current Events

This type of blog discusses various current events and how to navigate through them or apply them to your daily life. As we all know life is never the same and changes like the weather. At this moment in time, we all are experiencing the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we learn more about the ups and downs of it, we will hopefully move to different stages of this pandemic, including the aftermath.

Please check here every Wednesday for a new blog post that will have motivational, spiritual, and enlightening content to help you get through the week and strive diligently to navigate this gift of life. I hope this will inspire you to feel comfortable in engagement with the topics, as well as suggesting future topics that you would like to see discussed in this forum.