Tag: Coronavirus

Coronavirus, You and Your Mate

So, we all know that maintaining a healthy coupledom requires ongoing effort and is extremely challenging without pandemics, like the coronavirus, added into the equation. For many, being quarantined has brought forward unknown feelings and discoveries about ourselves and significant others that we may have wanted to keep hidden. Maybe your spouse travels, works a […]

Coronavirus and the Fam

Greetings! So, we’ve discussed how to keep ourselves sane enough to survive this pandemic by practicing self-care, but what if you are responsible for others’ well-being? Many of us have spouses, children, elderly parents, and so forth that rely on us daily for care and protection. After we’ve provided our essential needs to self, our […]

Coronavirus and Me

Welcome to my first, official blog post which will be a four-part weekly series pertaining to the Coronavirus pandemic. I decided to start with the most important person that deserves essential care: YOU! Everyone else should come secondary to your mental health because as the old age adage screams, how can you take care of […]