Staying True to Yourself

Greetings All! ? This week’s topic can be utilized right now during these unprecedented times as well as any other time in your life when you question who you are and what you stand for. Recently, we’ve all witnessed the influx of information out here relating to recent events pertaining to Covid-19 and protests, but we must adhere to our inner voice. It’s easy to conform to someone’s way of thinking and believing, especially when you haven’t done the work yet to know who you are. These are times when we all should go within ourselves to explore our inner being, which is the true essence of who we are. Does this mean that who you were at age 18 is who you should still be at age 40? Absolutely not. In fact, we should evolve as we mature and gain more insight; however, our foundation of our persona remains the same.

Taking into consideration that we may not have endured specific situations to know where we may stand is still important to understand who we still are. You do not have to endure specific situations to understand right and wrong. If you hold certain morals and values for yourself, you will remain true to that part of you. If you ever question who you are through situations, it is an indicator where to begin work in your life. This allows you to grasp a better understanding of where you stand with yourself, not the situation. ?

Do the work. Learn who you are. Take a stand. Stand firm on it. Engage in transparency- always. This is how you make sense of it all and continue to get through this challenging journey of life. ?

This week, I wanted to include a quick , but informative, three and a half minute video of Ralph Smart. He is an author, psychologist, radio host, researcher, and film maker to name a few of his accolades. The You Tube video that he posted on “Staying True to Yourself” speaks volumes and will provide you with a constant resource to refer to whenever in doubt on how to achieve it. Within the link, there are many resources on how to follow him on all social media outlets as well as his website. ☀️

Access Smart’s video:

I hope you will enjoy and I hope that you will continue to stay true to yourself.

Sending light and love,



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.

14 thoughts on “Staying True to Yourself

  1. Aja

    As for me, being “TRULY GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL” FOR the AGAPE LOVE which comes ONLY from MY FATHER ON HIGH… That love continue to teach me to “Love THY-SELF”, which allows me to EMBRACE MY INNER “WOMAN” , that within its self is highly contagious, it’s an “infection” EVERY ONE should want!!?

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Beautifully said! I concur and grateful to have my connection with God to continue to be the center of me, in order to stay true to myself.

  2. Ronda S.

    Perfect video CJ! I enjoyed it and your suggestions as usual. I am going to follow him and use him as a resource in addition to you! I got alot of my coworkers waiting on your blogs every week and two want to know if you are taking new clients? Just let me know. Thanks.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Ronda. Yes, that video speaks to our current state of time. Yes, I am taking a few new clients. You can give them my business number. Thank you!

  3. AhelaniP

    I’m still learning who I am and it’s enlightening. I understand how we need to evolve but I wonder do we even evolve if we are not certain on so many issues. One thing I do know is that there are things that I will not bend on for anyone else, but other times that something new comes, I challenge myself to think it through. I enjoy working on myself when I think about it. It makes me a better person.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      One thing is certain Ahelani- we should all be working on ourselves daily. The more work we do, the more we learn who we are and determine what works and doesn’t work for us. Standing firm in our truth is vital to existing.

  4. Pastrylady48

    I also think there should be more groups to come together to help all of us. I see zoom groups but I would like to see a group of us coming together weekly to help each other with leaning on. Do you think that’s something we could do? I wonder where I could get the people.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi PastryLady48,

      I enjoy groups and hope to eventually get back to physical group meetings after this pandemic. In the meantime, I like the options of zoom meetings and organization with a theme. Once you get it together, let me know. If I can, I would be happy to attend virtually, if my time permits. There is so much to discuss!

  5. Pastrylady48

    Oooh CJ! This is right on time. It’s hard to keep everything in check. We know right from wrong but sometimes your feelings take over. It’s just so much that we have to do right now to feel like we are on the right part of history. I question my anger but it goes back to what you said last week too about my feelings are valid. After I get through the anger, I know it’s work to do to make the world a safer place to live for all of us.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Glad you enjoyed it! So much work to be done individually that will eventually reflect outwards and continue to help others!

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Shonda,

      Yes, I truly enjoyed it. It’s so on point as to what we’re feeling in these days. ?? Blessings, CJ.

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