Living Out Loud

Hey beautiful folks! I received quite a bit of feedback in reference to my last post on fulfilling your goals. Within the post, I harbored on living out loud and because of this, I decided to extend the discussion. What does living out loud actually mean? I guess it can be interpreted based on individual preference, but I am going to just summarize the topic to living your best life. I’m sure we’ve all heard that saying and several know the hit song describing that nugget of wisdom: “Living My Best Life” by Lil Duval. Some of the lyrics are racy ? , but overall the gist of the song ? is ideal for being the best you.

As I write this, I realize today is World Mental Health Day, ? and what better day to implement the importance of focusing on self than today. I believe that it is never too late to understand and digest the model of self-care. ? Once we determine that we have to prioritize our needs, our inner being has shifted. ⬅️ ➡️ In fact, it shifts so much that it reconciles with your outer image. To have your inner and outer being harmonize as one entity allows for the perfect balance that represents you. ?‍♀️ Every particle within is now reflecting outward and showcases the essence of You. It displays a congruent being who is synchronized and healthy. ? You are living in peace ☮️ and comfortable in your skin. You know yourself inside and out and you continue to learn yourself inside and outward to remain in control of your overall being. Yes- it’s a purpose-filled existence and you deserve all of the accolades for living your life wholly.

Your life will always be that- your life. People will talk, speculate, judge and well, just be the hypocritical people that they are. What does that have to do with you? What makes people actually care about what others think, ? to the level of restricting your life? I’ve pondered this stalemate and came to the conclusion that people want to appear top-notch in others’ eyes. They want to appear “normal” and “common” and have the ability to “blend-in”. So, society says a certain image is wholesome and upheld while another one is wicked and gossip-worthy. What say you? Does living that ideal make you happy? ? Does it make you feel that you are living this once in a lifetime experience, called LIFE, to the ultimate degree? Do you feel constrained? Are you holding back to distort the image based on what is viewed acceptable? If you can answer those questions honestly and attest that you are happy- ? go forth and continue this said path. For those of you who desire more and know you need more: ? LIVE OUT LOUD.

There is only one ☝️ you. There may be many who share similarities, but they can never ? be you. You are a beautiful creature who God created in His image and who He continues to mold to become a better you. He works in and through us to help others to achieve their betterment. By living out loud and engaging in what makes you unique, you are manifesting to others the gift of being an individual! You become an inspiration and walk in the message ? that it can be done. ✅ You show the world ? that you give zero cares to what others think of you and that whatever they think of you is their problem: not yours. ?‍♀️ You are worthy to live how loud or quiet you desire. If the legality is intact along with moral consciousness, you are free to live freely and go for it. Remember, we get one life so build your inner consciousness to start the journey of LIVING OUT LOUD!

Sending you ? and ?,



***I hope any and everything that I post on my blog helps you and enhances your life in many positive ways. In the event that you need mental help, please contact a local therapist in your area; however, if you are in need of immediate assistance for an emergency, please dial 911.

43 thoughts on “Living Out Loud

  1. Chris H.

    Hi Dr. CJ awesome post, I agree with you with everything mentioned in this post. Ppl are very judgmental and self-righteous but yes we have to learn to not give zero cares. And live our best life because you only get one. YOLO ?

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Chris!
      This is one of my favorite topics- living for self and not giving a hoot about what anyone else thinks. YOLO is right- live for you because life is but a blink of an eye and we have to live it fully! ?

    2. cjmadry Post author

      I think I replied to this, but if not…..yes, live for self and no one else! People are going to judge you no matter what because they are judgmental and unhappy with their own lives. YOLO!

  2. Kim S.

    I copied this and shared it on all of my social media. So many words of wisdom and knowledge. I want to help people like you.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Kim,

      Amazing! You can do it and I’m sure you already help people more than you know. It’s a blessing when we discover our purpose. Blessings, CJ

  3. Rebecca S.

    I told you I’m praying for the day you write full time. I print all of your stuff off and post in my journal and mirror to keep reminding myself that I am worthy and deserve to live a good life. I am so grateful for you and your heart and your wisdom.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Rebecca,

      You seem to know your worth and that’s beautiful. Thank you for your kind words and continued support. Blessings, CJ

  4. Saivon P.

    Yes CJ, I told you my moms always spoke like this. Your words are wise but they also embody my moms and grandmom. Because of this, I’m a forever fan. You are special and chosen.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Thank you Saivon. I receive your kind words. I enjoy hearing about your mom and grandmom. Such wise, strong women like my mom and grandmom. Blessings, CJ

  5. Missy F.

    CJ- I told you last month that I was going to make some changes based on that post. So now I’m more inclined to. I’m inspired to live out loud!

  6. Ronda S.

    Good Evening CJ,

    My question is when your going to do your podcast and your self help books. I need all of this in my life to keep it together. Please. Please. Please.

    Desperately waiting,

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Awww thank you Ronda! Thank you for your patience. I’m striving to get it all done and eventually will. So much to do, so little time. I’m going to personally autograph your book. Blessings, CJ

  7. Ahelani P.

    This is amazing and so glad you extended to part two. I got so much out of this. You always say you get one life so live it out loud. No regrets. You go CJ!!!!

  8. Nikki S.

    You are my best friend in my head. I imagine all of your clients love you and want you to be their friend too. You are so deep and hit the nail on the head every time. I’ve got work to do internally.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Nikki,

      I’m flattered. Thank you for your kind words. We all have work to continue to do. My mantra is to never allow anything or anyone to impact my peace and happiness, and although I’ve achieved that, it’s a daily requirement to sustain it- just like marriage. ? Feed your soul daily and it’ll all eventually come together. Thank you. Blessings, CJ

  9. Stephanie P.

    Thanks CJ for part two. Part one spoke volumes but this put more icing on the cake. Good stuff.

  10. Pastrylady48

    Happy Saturday CJ!

    Thank you so much for speaking on this. We don’t need World Mental Health Day to tell people how much this is important. Self care is important every day. We need a World CJ Day to help all of us loved souls. I’m trying and one one day will be like CJ when I finally master adulthood.

    1. cjmadry Post author

      Hi Pastrylady,

      I’m LOL. National CJ Day? I like it! As long as my readers get something out of my insight, all is well. Thank you kindly. Blessings, CJ

  11. Karen S.

    When your weekend is going to the wolves and you get a notification that your favorite therapist has a new blog. I can’t thank you enough. This came right on time. It always does.

  12. Valerie

    Hola chica,
    I always know that when I come to your sure that I’m going to be inspired and get enough to take me to the week. The weeks are long but your words help me so much. Thanks Queen.

  13. Mike S.

    Hi Cj,
    Awesome read as usual and hits home. I try to live out loud in everything just means so much to me.

  14. Scarlett

    CJ!!!!! I reread all of your blogs until you post a new one! I know you are a busy professional woman always on the move but when you finish your books, you are going to become mainstream. I feel it in my whole spirit when I read and hear your words. You are greatness and I know God has anointed you. What a beautiful woman , inside and out. Thank you CJ. I’m happy for you.

    1. cjmadry Post author


      Yes, so busy these days and grateful to have the opportunity to be busy. In my downtime(what and when is that-?), I work on my other projects. Definitely by 2021. Thanks for your patience and support. Blessings, CJ

  15. Dot M.

    Hello Dr. CJ,

    This was beautifully written and very enlightening. I enjoyed it as I do all of your blogs.

  16. Keli S.

    Hi CJ,

    Thank you for visiting this topic again. Thank you. You always seem to know when to come back with something. I learned so much and feel so inspired. You are so blessed and gifted. Thank you!

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